page test

Apprendre le HTML : les bases

This is my first webpage!

This is the second paragraph of my first webpage.

Main heading: my first webpage

This is my first webpage!

Second heading

This is the second paragraph of my first webpage.

Main heading: my first webpage

This is my first webpage!

Second heading

This is the second paragraph of my first webpage.

Note: Typical example for the <b>-tag.

  • first unordered-list item
  • second unordered-list item
  • third unordered-list item
  1. first ordered-list item
  2. second ordered-list item
  3. third ordered-list item
first data field second data field
first data field second data field
Column heading 1 Column heading 2 Column heading 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9